Sunday, February 22, 2009

That Salary Looks A Little Baggy On You

Listening to:
Lily Allen
It's Not Me, It's You

I was invited to sit in on an English department meeting at the local BOE the other day. When discussing the budget, the director offhandedly mentioned how much money I made over the course of the year, and one of the teachers from a neighboring elementary school gasped and sort of covered her face for the next five minutes or so. I’ve never ruined someone’s day before by merely being present, but I suppose that there’s a first time for everything. I really don’t feel like I’m making an excessive sum of money, but I guess that in Japan it’s a pretty hefty amount for someone my age. From the perspective of a Japanese instructor who’s likely been working hard for 10 years, it probably doesn’t seem fair that a foreigner in his twenties is making so much more than her, especially one with virtually no teaching experience and considerably fewer responsibilities. I’m not looking to renegotiate my contract or anything, but I can definitely understand where she’s coming from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, I heard that too. that's a good way to garner some heat. but I wonder what prompted the director to say that, he must want a fight to break out or something.

after he said that, you should've made it rain 100 yen coins. that'd probably hurt, though.