Thursday, February 12, 2009

Random Holidays, Dreams

Listening to:

Yesterday we had another one of those random Japanese holidays that seem to pop up once every month or so. I think it was National Foundation Day or something. It’s kind of weird having a Wednesday off, but it’s always nice to be able to wake up at 9:30 and cook yourself a real breakfast. The night before, I had this strange dream where I was at the recreation center under the bridge back home. I was taking part in a lightsaber competition, but I was almost disqualified because I had apparently started smoking reefer again. I was eventually allowed to participate, but I ended up getting killed because I was high out of my mind and everyone else brought their lightsaber A-game. I usually don’t remember my dreams, but I’m beginning to think that I’ve probably just been subconsciously willing myself to forget them.

I drove straight from work to get my hands on a copy today:

I’ll probably have some thoughts up in a day or two after I’ve spent a little time with the game.


gandychan said...

oh sweet!

Check out the movie on my blog.

gandychan said...

Anonymous said...

that's a hell of a dream. damn, i might HAVE to get SFIV now. I forgot about that BD movie that comes with it.