Monday, May 11, 2009

Back To Reality...And Reality Ain't So Bad

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So after nine days in Hokkaido, where our biggest problems revolved around which bar to hit next, I woke up this morning with a serious case of the Mondays in the real world. It only took me about half a class to get my mojo back, but it's always a little rough trying to shake off that post-vacation rust. I played basketball for the first time in a few months with the kids until 7:00 this evening, and quite nearly killed myself in the process. When I got back to the teacher's office to pick up some things before heading on home, I noticed that a few of the students who had graduated in March were hanging around near the entrance. It had only been about two months since I had last seen them, but one of the girls literally started crying when she saw me. I'm not going to lie and pretend that I'm a real great teacher, but I honestly do love working with the kids.

My last principal, who left the school a month or so back, once said this to me:

"When you look at the students, you look at them with very kind eyes."

You know, that may not seem like much, but coming from a guy who carried himself like he did and only seemed to say incredibly profound things, it really meant the world to me. I'm not here just to teach kids grammar points and collect a check, so it's always nice to see my efforts to build a meaningful rapport pay off. I could certainly do without making teenagers cry, but I guess you can't have everything.

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