Friday, November 28, 2008

My (Not Yet Fully Operational) Death Star

Now that things have settled down a little, I’ve been furnishing my apartment with things that I’ve bought myself. The stuff that my predecessor left me is functional, but it kind of makes me feel like I’m living in someone else’s house. I’d been getting really restless during idle moments at home, but I think that this may have something to do with the fact that my apartment doesn’t really feel like my apartment. I’ve started small and have bought new trash bins, lamps, magazine racks, clocks, etc., and it’s been curiously addicting. Next up? Some curtains which aren’t pink. I never really bought into that feng shui business, but I moved my television and my couch around the other day and felt strangely revitalized. I’ve also got a table with four chairs in my kitchen, but have yet to actually eat on the thing…I may have to look into trying that out sometime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

niketown was the only place i went. i called back later that day and they said they weren't gonna get it ever. the guys at footlocker said the same thing.