Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This past weekend's Royal Rumble provided a few memorable moments, with (my dude) Santino almost managing to take the thing, Alberto Del Rio (also my dude) becoming the eventual winner, and even an appearance by Kevin Nash as Diesel. But more importantly, Booker T made his return, and word is that he'll be joining the Smackdown announce team as a color commentator. Which is awesome.



cr8 said...

we get it, Book. BATISTA IS DOWN.

Good to see Nash, but not really. I mean, from what I saw I thought the dude looked in good shape but his appearance might have something to do with HBK.

I know I should just be thrilled that he's in action, but Pro-Wrestling has made me paranoid to all kinds of shit.

And Del Rio picking Edge will hopefully mean Miz is gonna lose his title at the next PPV. If he goes to Mania as champ, I'm gonna buy WM on Blu-Ray and destroy whichever disc he's on. And yes, Miz, REALLY.

marq said...

i'm pretty sure Nash's appearance was a one time nostalgia thing for the fans...well, at least i hope so.

and i think Miz is defending against Jerry Lawler at the next ppv, so i guess you better get ready to destroy some blu-rays. if Lawler goes to Mania as champ, i'm going to be destroying things. i'm guessing we'll get Miz/Cena, Edge/Del Rio, Punk/Orton at WM?

cr8 said...

damn talk about a lose-lose situation. the way i see it, lawler probably deserves a main event at mania more than the miz... it's just that it'll probably be a pretty shitty one. i mean, talk about 10 years (or even 20) too late. but maybe that's just how much i hate mike.

in any case, both title matches will have huge buildup, but might end up being okay at best. but who knows? if the miz shocks me with a good performance, i might give him his due. i wonder who'll get the last match honors? probably miz/cena. but that'll likely mean another reign for superman.

kinda strange giving these rookies the main event slots. the locker room must be pissed. but without taker, hhh, hbk, batista, etc. maybe that's the start of a good thing. i mean, NICKI!!!!! in the world title match at rumble? ridiculous. he's billy gunn 2.0.

in the end, maybe this could be the start of a new era. i guess it's possible that miz retains (doubtful) and del rio beats edge (maybe). time to give the new blood their time (it's my time!!! it's my time!!!).

i don't know if you saw the "2-21-11" commercials. the rumors say it's either sting or taker.

marq said...

i'm hoping it's sting. never really been a fan of his, but this WM is lacking something to buzz about. plus since Mania is in Atlanta it'll give the event a bit of a WCW feel.