Thursday, August 6, 2009


Shin Megami Tensei:
Devil Survivor


I'm in the midst of experiencing my first typhoon since coming over to Okinawa. For one reason or another, I thought that it might be cool to head across the street and check out the beach. To make a long story short, it was a bad decision. Anyway, when my spectacular little beach idea failed, I went over to the supermarket to put together a typhoon survival kit, which included orange soda and lots of ice cream sandwiches. You know, strictly the essentials. Part of me hopes that the typhoon sticks around and cancels work tomorrow, but the other part of me hopes that it goes away because I decided to buy orange Fanta instead of candles.

It kind of sounds like my apartment is going to cave in, but this apparently isn't even a particularly strong typhoon. I never really thought much about it until now, but all of a sudden I understand why my windows are lined with metal bars.

1 comment:

thaichaiguy said...

sounds dangerous... stay safe over there. Good luck finishing off those ice cream sandwiches when the power goes out.