Should make for an entertaining season, if only for the for the bizarre bits that will inevitably tumble out of the coaches' mouths. Case in point (post Rampage Jackson/Dan Henderson title fight):
Joe Rogan: I'm here with the champion, and still champion, unified champion! How's that sound Quinton?
Rampage: It sound real good baby, youknowhatimsayin', cuz I trained real hard for Dan, cuz I knew he was tough, but I never thought he would beat up my fist with his face. His, his...man, my fist hurt right now.
Joe Rogan: You were having problems with your left hand before this fight, how much did it hurt you during the bout?
Rampage: Actually, uh, my wrist did good, but it was just my knuckles goin' upside his head were hurtin'...it was a whole new injury now.
Joe Rogan: Great fight, very, very competitive fight, take a look at the big screen and talk us through some of the action here, tell us what you were thinking.
Rampage: I was thinking, "Boy, I better do somethin' or Dan gon' kick my ass." I saw him fall, and I missed em there, I was like, "Damn!" I tried to give him an ooo-whee knot, but then, I missed, oh, he hit me with a big uppercut, just doin' my thang, so I tired to give him one back, knowwhatimsayin', blow for blow, oh, ah! Damn, I dunno what I was gonna do, oh, I was gonna do a knee, but then he keep swingin', I missed my uppercut, I missed my hook, and I was like, "Damn!" Now this might be the end of the fight or somethin', I dunno where this at, but I tried to slam him cuz I ain't slam nobody in a while, but I say, "Oh, he's a Greco champion," so I figure I try and swing on him again, try to knock him out, but that's the last of...the thing, but he got a rock head, man.
Joe Rogan: Well, you had to be impressed by your grappling, how well you controlled him on the bottom.
Rampage: I was, I did good, a lotta people don't know, that I got JIU-JITSU. You know, my coach, man, he work hard. People don't know I got jiu-jitsu because I don't like submittin' folks, I like Big John McCarthy pullin' me up off folks, that's how I like to roll, you feel me? *stares intently at camera*
Joe Rogan: Well, Quinton, now you are the unified, unidsputed light-heavyweight champion of the world, congratulations! We can't wait to see your next fight. Ladies and gentlemen, Quinton Rampage Jackson!
Rampage: *takes mic from Rogan* Hey, I wanna praise God, he gave me everything I got, thank you so much! Thank you Dr. Ha-phoo for his wife, Ms. Robin...Ha-foo...if I say your name wrong, please forgive me, I'm kinda, you know...tired. Thanks to my family for lettin' me go on so long and do what I dreamed of doing, being the light-heavyweight champion of the UFC, the greatest sport in the world, WE TAKING OVAAH!
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