Lupe Fiasco
The Cool
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be working at another center every Wednesday. I suppose I could use the extra cash, but I've really come to rely on having those Wednesdays off, especially since I work on Saturdays and usually end up doing my contract job on Sundays. I won't pretend to be overworked in the least, but any night when I can spare an hour or two to play video games or pop in a DVD is starting to feel like a huge treat. By my calculations, I've got about 3 and 1/2 part-time jobs at the moment, all of which can be potentially rough in the stress department, but none of which have successfully run me ragged (at least to date). Of course, the logical thing to do would be to just get one full-time position, but I'm kind of enjoying the opportunity to try my hand as a jack of all trades, even if it means I end up being a master of none. As flawed as I may be, "lack of versatility" is one thing that prospective employers won't be able to hit me with. The next step? Actually trying to put away a bit of that money.
Just had to get me one:

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