:07 Seconds Or Less
by Jack McCallum
I finally got a copy of the McCallum book a little while back, and I ended up plowing through the entire thing in a day. I'm not going to pretend that 300 pages is a lot, or that it was even a marginally difficult 300 pages, but I kind of wish that I could maintain a more leisurely pace when reading. The gauntlet of literature courses that I took in college effectively rendered me incapable of reading for fun. But I suppose it's better to read too fast than to not be able to read at all. 07 Seconds is great book though, not at all unlike Phil Jackson's The Last Season, only with a cast of players that you won't wholeheartedly loathe. Oddly enough, it's Alvin Gentry who's the funniest cat in the locker room, with Eddie House coming in a distant second ("Boris brought the French pastry on Amare's ass."). Most fans are partial to the 04-05 team w/ Q and JJ that turned the league upside down, but the 05-06 squad featured in this book remains my favorite Suns team to date.
I'm gearing up for my JET interview later next month. For whatever reason, it hadn't seemed particularly real or imminent throughout the application process, but now that I've actually landed an interview, the pressure is kicking me right in the grill. I'd been able to shrug off not getting internships and whatnot in the past, but I don't think that I'll take failure lightly this time around. I've got roughly 3 weeks to get ready.
Wow thats more reading than I've done in a long time. Good luck on your interview!
Congrats on part 1. Let me know if you need any help getting ready. Not that I'm any expert in interviews, but you know...
I don't really recall the Turok rental ordeal but there is still huge following for Turok.
plenty of time.
you'll do fine. Just be yourself and it'll be all good.
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