My favorite LT picture. Not because it's patriotic, but because it's kind of hilarious. Speaking of which, I hope Tomlinson is ready to go and feeling particularly un-Patriotic (harhar) on Sunday, because watching the NFL this season has sort of been the equivalent of getting kicked in the groin repeatedly. To be exact, 17 times. In a row. By Tom Brady. Translation: the season has not been fun, at all. For the sake of clarity, I'm not just rooting against New England to avoid that 18th kick to the groin, but because I'm hoping in vain that San Diego will win it all. Call me crazy, but the prospect of Brady vs Favre in the Super Bowl really doesn't get me all that excited. The truth is that the Patriots and the Packers are the only two teams in the league that I've sort of conditioned myself to root against on an annual basis. Nothing against Favre, who's rightfully being hailed as a legend, but the only way I'll
begrudgingly root for Green Bay is if they're matched up against New England, the one team that I've habitually despised more than them. I won't even mention the Giants, because Eli Manning is on my short list of pro athletes who make me want to punch the television.
Yes, it's an actual list. Manning is somewhere between Devin Harris and Michelle Wie.
you hate the packers? what about them makes you hate them?
I've seen a Japanese Sony commercial with Michelle Wie in it. Speaking Japanese. 'nuff said.
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