Monday, January 19, 2009

Pittsburgh Steelers Back In The Super Bowl

Oh, it’s on. As luck would have it, my team makes the Super Bowl during my first year living thousands of miles away from American television. I really can’t think of a justifiable reason to sweat the Cardinals, but then again, it’s not like I’ve had the opportunity to watch them play at all this season. On paper, it looks like Arizona has the type of personnel to be effective against the Steeler defense, but I wouldn't put money on it. Hopefully Hines Ward's injury isn't too serious, but I imagine that he'll be playing regardless of what the doctors say. Having to track down the game online kind of sucks the excitement out of things, but there’s nothing quite like having your team playing on Super Bowl Sunday.

I had probably the wildest night of my life this past Saturday. I’d detail it for you, but as of right now, I’m not legitimately sure how much of it actually happened. I can’t decide whether or not that’s a good thing.


gandychan said...

I want the details now!

Did you hook up with some hot okinawan girl?

Anonymous said...


lol, damn.