Anyway, some kind of engineering savant apparently decided that it would be sensible to erect the flag using nothing but a couple of feet of chicken wire. With the typhoon winds coming and going, the dumb flag would get blown horizontally into my car's path on a semi-daily basis. I finally sick of fixing the thing and drove right through it this morning, effectively knocking the flag & pole clear off the pillar and onto the curb somewhere. I don't care particularly much for my car, and I hated the bloody flag, so it wasn't a real difficult decision to make. I just hope it's not getting added to next month's rent.
1 comment:
watch, in soul calibur 5, yoshimitsu's gonna have a taped-up flag attached to his back. his bio will read, "his flag was broken sometime after soul calibur 4, attacked by a renegade car".
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